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Gabriel Sanchez
Gabriel Sanchez

As curiosidades e os fatos mais interessantes sobre o jogo do bicho

Jogo do bicho: The illegal gambling game that is popular in Brazil

Jogo do bicho, which means "animal game" in Portuguese, is an illegal gambling game that has been prohibited by federal law since 1946, but nevertheless remains very popular throughout Brazil. It is a lottery-type drawing, operated on a regional basis using the daily state lottery draw, by mobsters known as bicheiros or banqueiros ("bankers"). Despite its illegality, millions of Brazilians play jogo do bicho every day, hoping to win some extra money or simply have some fun. But what is jogo do bicho and how does it work? What are its origins and history? Why is it so widespread and accepted in Brazilian society? And what are the risks and challenges of playing this game? In this article, we will explore these questions and more, to understand the phenomenon of jogo do bicho in Brazil.

What is jogo do bicho and how does it work?

Jogo do bicho is a simple game that involves guessing the outcome of a random draw of four numbers, each corresponding to one of 25 animals. Each animal has a numerical value, from 00 to 99, as shown in the table below:

jogo do bicho

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Avestruz (Ostrich)


Águia (Eagle)


Burro (Donkey)


Borboleta (Butterfly)


Cachorro (Dog)


Cabra (Goat)


Carneiro (Sheep)


Camelo (Camel)


Cobra (Snake)


Coelho (Rabbit)


Cavalo (Horse)


Elefante (Elephant)


Galo (Rooster)


Gato (Cat)


Jacaré (Alligator)


Leão (Lion)

Macaco (Monkey)


Porco (Pig)


Pavão (Peacock)


Peru (Turkey)


Touro (Bull)


Tigre (Tiger)


Urso (Bear)


Vaca (Cow)


Vead o (Deer)


Tatu (Armadillo)


To play jogo do bicho, a player must choose one or more animals and place a bet with a bicheiro, who usually operates on the street or in a small shop. The minimum bet is usually R$1, but it can vary depending on the region and the type of bet. The bicheiro then gives the player a receipt with the chosen animal(s), the amount of the bet, and the date and time of the draw. The draw is based on the official state lottery, which takes place twice a day, at 2 pm and 6 pm. The last two digits of each of the four numbers drawn by the lottery determine the winning animals. For example, if the lottery numbers are 1234, 5678, 9012, and 3456, the winning animals are burro, águia, avestruz, and cachorro.

The history of jogo do bicho and its originator

Jogo do bicho was created in 1892 by a Brazilian entrepreneur named João Batista Viana Drummond, who owned a zoo in Rio de Janeiro. He wanted to attract more visitors to his zoo, so he came up with the idea of associating each animal in his zoo with a number and giving out tickets with those numbers to his customers. Every day, he would randomly choose one animal and display it at the entrance of the zoo. The customers who had tickets with that animal's number would win a prize. This game became very popular and soon people started to bet on it outside the zoo, creating an informal lottery system. Drummond became known as the "Baron of the Animal Game" and gained a lot of influence and wealth from his invention.

However, in 1895, the government banned jogo do bicho, claiming that it was immoral and corrupting. Drummond refused to stop his game and continued to operate it illegally, with the help of his friends and associates. He also used his money and power to support political causes and candidates that he favored, creating a network of patronage and corruption that would last for decades. Jogo do bicho spread throughout Brazil, especially in urban areas, where it became a source of income and entertainment for many people. It also became a way of expressing cultural identity and resistance against the authorities, as each region developed its own variations and symbols for the game.

The legal status of jogo do bicho and its social impact

Jogo do bicho has been illegal in Brazil since 1946, when President Eurico Gaspar Dutra issued a decree that prohibited all forms of gambling in the country. However, this decree has been largely ignored and ineffective, as jogo do bicho has continued to operate openly and widely in Brazil. According to some estimates, jogo do bicho moves around R$20 billion per year, making it one of the largest informal economies in the world. It also employs hundreds of thousands of people, who work as bicheiros, runners, collectors, accountants, or security guards for the game.

Jogo do bicho has also had a significant social impact on Brazilian society, as it has been associated with various cultural expressions and movements. For example, jogo do bicho has been an important patron of samba schools, which are musical groups that perform during Carnival parades. Many samba schools receive financial support from bicheiros, who also sponsor their floats and costumes. Jogo do bicho has also influenced Brazilian literature, cinema, music, art, and folklore, as it has inspired many stories, songs, paintings, and legends that reflect its colorful and mysterious aspects. Jogo do bicho has also been a source of social solidarity and cohesion, as it has created a sense of community and belonging among its players and workers, who share a common language and code of conduct.

The different types of draws and bets in jogo do bicho

Jogo do bicho has evolved over time and has developed different types of draws and bets, depending on the region and the preference of the players. The most common types of draws are:

  • PT (Passeio da Tarde): The afternoon draw, based on the state lottery at 2 pm.

  • PTN (Passeio da Noite): The evening draw, based on the state lottery at 6 pm.

  • Federal: The federal draw, based on the national lottery at 7 pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

  • Corujinha (Little Owl): The late night draw, based on a private lottery at 11 pm.

  • Look: A private draw that takes place every 15 minutes, from 8 am to 6 pm.

The most common types of bets are:

  • Milhar (Thousand): The player bets on a four-digit number, from 0000 to 9999. If the number matches exactly one of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 4,000 times the amount of the bet.

  • Centena (Hundred): The player bets on a three-digit number, from 000 to 999. If the number matches the last three digits of one of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 600 times the amount of the bet.

  • Dezena (Ten): The player bets on a two-digit number, from 00 to 99. If the number matches the last two digits of one of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 60 times the amount of the bet.

  • Grupo (Group): The player bets on one of the 25 animals. If the animal corresponds to one of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 18 times the amount of the bet.

  • Duque de grupo (Pair of groups): The player bets on two animals. If both animals correspond to two of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 130 times the amount of the bet.

  • Terno de grupo (Trio of groups): The player bets on three animals. If all three animals correspond to three of the four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 1,100 times the amount of the bet.

  • Quadra de grupo (Quartet of groups): The player bets on four animals. If all four animals correspond to all four numbers drawn by the lottery, the player wins 4,000 times the amount of the bet.

There are also other types of bets, such as passe, seco, invertido, combinado, and cruzado, which involve different combinations and rules. The player can also choose to bet on more than one type of draw or bet at the same time, increasing the chances of winning but also the cost of the bet.

Resultado do jogo do bicho de hoje

Deu no poste jogo do bicho

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Jogo do bicho PTM PT PTV PTN COR

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Jogo do bicho lotep da paraíba

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Jogo do bicho rio de janeiro rj

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